Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy

Right now, as you read through my website, there may be a part of you thinking about starting therapy, there might also be a part of you that isn’t sure about the therapy process, there might be a part of you that wants to check your email, there might be a part of you that is hungry, there might be a part of you thinking about what you are going to do tonight. Can you notice these thoughts, feelings, and wants? What if we viewed these parts for exactly what they are; separate perspectives, ideas, and wants? What if there were many different part’s (or sub-personalities) operating within us, and we weren’t just one singular personality? And no, I am not assuming that we all have multiple personality disorder, (or dissociate identity disorder), but what if we could turn our focus and energy to these different ideas, perspectives, emotions, and desires, and get to know more about how they are serving our systems? 

Most of us, at some point in our lives, have acknowledged in some way that we have many parts within us; “a part of me wants to do this, and another part feels like it’s holding me back”. Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) is a non-pathologizing, creative, and innovative model of psychotherapy that operates within this framework.

IFS provides a pathway for us to focus inward and get to know the many parts of us that exist within our internal world.

Working in this way, these parts of our personality can reveal the underlying reason for behaving in certain ways (ex. that overly critical voice in your head), feeling different emotions (ex. anxiety or fear), or feeling stuck in different areas of our lives. Some of our parts can reveal they are holding burdens from past experiences that are (for example) impacting the way we relate to people, the way we show up for ourselves, and making us vulnerable to being hurt again. 

Through the IFS process, we can create space to hold and witness the feelings and experiences of our parts. IFS allows us to be more present with our Selves and these parts of our personalities, with the ultimate goal of bringing healing and harmony to the inner system. 

Contact us

Contact us

If you would like to book an appointment, would like more information, or would like to book a free consult with me, please reach out to my assistant Jonnelle.

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If you want to know how I might be able to help, please give me a call at 519-802-3831. I'm available Monday to Thursday between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm EST. Alternatively, please fill out the contact form.